How does APS add value?
Adaptive Process Solutions (APS) are experts in water and fluid separation, working in the oil & gas and 'blue water' sectors.
APS’s onsite surveys and products assist our clients increase production by adapting existing fluid separation systems to achieve greater separation efficiency.
Patented MiFU™ technology delivers a compact, lightweight water treatment solution for retrofit to existing brownfield or greenfield fluid separation systems.
APS partners with clients to develop long term strategies to exceed environmental targets.
MiFU™ - a highly efficient, low impact, low risk, environmentally friendly solution for produced water quality problems.
APS’ patented Microbubble Infusion Unit (MiFU™) technology offers a performance step change by improving the performance of existing fluid separation facilities.
MiFU™ injects variable sized bubble streams at targeted points into the existing production facilities which improves produced water performance by more effectively removing residual oil-in-water and oil wet solids.
Utilising a compact small footprint and low weight pilot MiFU™ maximises production by enabling existing facilities to achieve higher separation efficiency.
The MiFU™ is a Best Available Technique (BAT) and Best Environmental Practice (BEP) for fluid separation.
APS’ unique STEP (Site Test for Enhanced Processing)™ Survey is a logical and methodical three ‘STEP’ process to problem solve, test solutions, and engineer a response.
STEP evaluates production chemistry, process engineering and production operations to determine the optimal solution to maximise separation performance and throughput of existing fluid separation facilities.
What differentiates the STEP Survey™ from other facility reviews is the ability to test different microbubble size ranges and gas concentrations.